Chibi-chan's Anime Corner

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Adult Swim got it right: Soul Eater is on the air!

Soul Eater

In what I think is just GREAT news, Adult Swim is going to start showing Soul Eater! Tune in Sundays at 1am, starting with episode 1 THIS Sunday 2/17 😀

AND tell me what you think of Adult Swim’s anime selection here:

Why do I think it’s great? Well, Soul Eater is absolutely one of my favorite anime.

It combines perfectly comedy and action, and silly action is one of the things anime is best for! It is cheesy and simplistic, which isn’t a bad thing in shounen.  In fact, this show perfects the art of making things extremely silly and extremely epic at the same time.


Maka and Soul

Maka and Soul aren’t getting along. Their souls have become incompatible for partnership.

So now I have to figure out how the hell to explain the plot of this crazy show!

To start with, the whole show is focused around souls, which are usually represented by these cute orbs of light with faces. Some eat human souls, and their soul starts to turn evil. When one eats a lot of human souls, they turn into a kishin (鬼神), which is a being of pure evil.

But before that happens their soul turns into a kishin egg. So in order to preserve peace, Lord Death (known in the Japanese version simply as Shinigami) started an academy, known as the Death Weapon Meister Academy (死神武器職人専門学校 Shinigami Buki Shokunin Senmon Gakkō) or DWMA (死武専 Shibusen).

Shibusen (DWMA)

The Death Weapon Meister Academy (DWMA)

There are two kinds of students: those who transform into weapons, and their partners who wield the weapons, called meisters (職人 shokunin). Meisters and their partners aim to collect 99 kishin eggs and one witch soul. If they do, Lord Death considers them worthy of becoming his personal weapon. The type of weapons varies greatly.

The main characters are students at the DWMA. There is Maka Albarn and her scythe partner, Soul Eater; ninja Black Star and his partner Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, who can turn into a number of different ninja-style weapons; and Death the Kid, Lord Death’s own son, who partners with the twin pistol sisters Liz and Patty Thompson.


The main characters of Soul Eater (from left to right):
Maka Albarn, Liz and Patty Thompson, Death the Kid, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, Black Star, and Soul Eater

Together, these three sets of partners and their classmates are tasked with the responsibility of helping Lord Death contain the evil in the world and snuff out the existence of kishins. But that’s just the beginning!! The plot of this show is honestly so intricate that I would have to put a spoiler alert in just to begin to explain.


The silliest character in Soul Eater, Excalibur is insufferable to Kid and Black Star.

The show does start out a little episodic: if you’re like me and can only get into anime with a strong consistent plot line, the episodic style will drive you away. But don’t give up yet!! There are 51 episodes of Soul Eater, and the true plot line isn’t revealed until around episode 12. However, everything before then is very relevant (except for the character Excalibur, which I guess is the giant comic relief character, since I see no real importance to him being there other than to make me roll on the floor laughing).

Soul Eater is a great shounen that will make you both laugh and cry at so many moments. I am extremely excited that Adult Swim has picked it up, since that is the beginning of skyrocketing popularity for many anime.

Now that you have no excuse to not see it I want to hear what you think of Soul Eater!! Comment on the show below 😀

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